Disadvantages of military rule in Nigeria and democratic values

In this article, you will find an explanation of the disadvantages of military rule in Nigeria. Long years of military rule have affected the executive, legislature and judiciary systems of Nigeria. The values and norms imbibe manifests in the practice of the current democracy. Learn more what the effects of the military rule on the

In this article, you will find an explanation of the disadvantages of military rule in Nigeria. Long years of military rule have affected the executive, legislature and judiciary systems of Nigeria. The values and norms imbibe manifests in the practice of the current democracy. Learn more what the effects of the military rule on the democratic values of the Nigerian environment are.

What is a military rule?

It is a form of government in which the military as an organization holds the supreme power. The terms military rule or military regime which are synonymous refer to one of the types of authoritarian regime.

The importance of military force is difficult to dispute. The army is assigned to defend the territorial integrity of the country. When the army is used to control over the affairs of state, the military rule enters into force.

In countries with military rule, violence is often used by the government, however, the military rule may also involve attempts to achieve a consent between the government and national communities. Sometimes, military leaders usually simulate the rule of law trying to implement their own rules.

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Military rule features a high level of relative autonomy thanks to the means of coercion. Military rules are known to foster militarism and the glorification of war. Many military leaders prefer to continue war by all the possible means.

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Military rule in Nigeria

Like many other African countries, Nigeria’s postcolonial history is quite checkered. Nigeria’s strive for democracy was ruined by military rule. After gaining independence in 1960, in Nigeria, there were 8 military leaders who led the country into a deep corruption. The overthrow of federalism not only suspended Nigeria’s progress but it has also started 50 years of traumatic experience.

Military rule in Nigeria was overthrown in 1999 when General Obasanjo won a free and fair election. He had captured 61 percent of the vote after 29 of Nigeria's 36 states.

What are the disadvantages of military rule in Nigeria?

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It is interesting that the present day president of Nigeria, Major-General Muhammadu Buhari is a retired military officer who had also served as military head of state.

Nigerians are still feeling the strong negative effects of the military rule. Country growth has been sacrificed on the altar of false federalism. The prolonged military rule in Nigeria has caused a lot of negative effects. Let’s take a closer look at this phenomenon and the disadvantages of military rule in Nigeria:

  • Ruined economy. During the military rule, from 1966 until 1999, Nigeria’s economy was ruined, Nigerian civil service which was the best in Africa was destroyed.
  • Suffering education and culture. An educational system that competed with the world's most effective schools was killed not to mention Nigerian culture which suffered during the entire period of military rule.
  • Corruption. When the military becomes a supreme power of a country, such things as corruption, looting, injustice take place in social life. The institutionalised corruption has become an enemy number 1 of Nigerian people. Corruption ruled everywhere, in most of the government institutions.
  • Limited freedoms and rights. The military rule implies that everything has two sides, bad and good. In the military rule, everyone loses all the kinds of freedoms, namely, freedom to be alive, freedom of speech, association, belief, self-expression, press and other. The civilians have no place or authority to run to in trouble as officers have an unlimited power and are allowed even to kill a person without any reason.
  • Unruly country's system of government. The biggest disadvantage of the military rule appears when a country's system of government becomes unruly. One of the advantages of the military rule may be setting discipline and order back into place. It is able to restore order and structure, but the most important disadvantage is that no one has the authority to check the work of people in charge. Military leaders become powerful very quickly using just force which leads to more corrupt policy.
  • Praising of war. The main problem with the military rule is that the military leaders can start to view a military regime may become the only purpose in life. They can praise war to such extent that if they could start a war, they would initiate military conflict.

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Fortunately, the military rulers seemed to understand that military rule had a lot of negative effects because of their unprofessionalism.

Military rule in Nigeria has significantly hindered the efforts to implement democracy as it ruined all the opportunities to establish and gradually institutionalize democratic principles through the conscious efforts of the elites and political leaders. Military rule caused a shift in the political, social and cultural life of Nigerians, but it had a lot of disadvantages to the Nigerian environment.

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Source: Legit.ng

